墨菲西斯空间新作: 韩国首尔圣水洞 55 画廊 暨设计展“胶囊一号”开幕

© Namsun Lee

墨菲西斯建筑事务所(Morphosis Architects)全新设计展览“胶囊一号”(Capsule 1)将在其空间新作——韩国首尔圣水洞55画廊(Gallery 55)中展出。

“胶囊一号”展览旨在回应墨菲西斯长期关注与探讨的问题——即如何通过设计,将艺术、文化和空间体验紧密结合。它不仅将透过研究模型和照片,向观众呈现事务所在不同尺度的项目中如何迭代设计;还将以雕塑和印刷品的形式,展出事务所创始人汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)的系列作品“组合形式”(Combinatorial Form),探索那些能与自然和城市系统产生共鸣的算法过程。

地点:韩国首尔圣水一路4街7号,STIC 55,7F

展期:2023年4月1日 - 6月18日

Morphosis will present CAPSULE 1, an exhibition that will explore the firm’s design process, at Gallery 55 in Seongsu-Dong, South Korea, a new space designed by the firm. Additionally, a series of sculptural and print works by Thom Mayne, “COMBINATORIAL FORM,” will be on display, exploring algorithmic processes that resonate with natural and urban systems. Study models and photographs will give visitors a look into Morphosis’ iterative design process across a range of project scales. The presentation further builds on the firm’s interest in integrating art and culture with spatial experiences through design. The exhibition will be on view from April 1 through June 18, 2023.

展览作品 © Morphosis


—— 李宜声Eui-Sung Yi


“The intimate size of Gallery 55 provides an unusual opportunity to engage our works with a level of fidelity and detail rarely afforded in regular venues. This exhibit focuses on the raw artifacts of the Morphosis creative process; the work-in-progress models, the prototypes, the brilliant but discarded schemes.  The study models are the wonderful debris of a dynamic and reiterative process.”

Eui-Sung Yi

Morphosis Partner, Partner-in-Charge of the Gallery 55 project

空间新作 | 55画廊




The district of Seongsudong is nicknamed the “Brooklyn of Seoul,” and for good reason. Once an industrial factory district, Seongsu-Dong has been reborn as a cultural and artisan neighborhood anchored by the bespoke cobbler community. As part of this revitalization, a series of narrow but tall towers began to rise from the district’s unusually small parcels.

Morphosis was engaged to design the top three levels of a new tower under construction in Seongsu-Dong. Each level measures only 485sqft of leasable space; using the organizational and design concept of a treehouse and narrative of an ever-adapting “vine,” the three levels are programmed into a holistic ensemble: the office, the gallery, the restaurant bar, and roof terrace.

As a unifying strategy throughout the levels, a dynamic layering system of lines, strips, and bars made from finply plywood adapts and reacts to the existing building infrastructure (columns, window locations, beams, fire system). Collisions, wrinkles, and disturbances emerge from the tensile relationship between the existing site condition and the inserted finply sleeve; these moments are explored and speculated as design opportunities for bars, receptions desks, light fixtures, and liners.

展览 |胶囊一号


开场的首件作品,便是汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)的系列抽象作品“组合形式”,旨在以一种概念性的视角,切入墨菲西斯的设计方法。这组作品的创作过程,是在算法生成的基础上进行人为主观的选择和优化,就像是在建筑和规划项目的起点,进行一次由数据驱动的设计探索。





CAPSULE 1 consists of four parts, unfolding sequentially through the gallery’s seventh and eighth floors. Opening the exhibition are Thom Mayne’s abstract pieces from his series “Combinatorial Form,” which provide a conceptual entry way to Morphosis’ approach to design. The works are created through a process of conscious selection and refinement of algorithmic generations, similar to the data-driven design explorations that begin architecture and planning projects.  

The second part of the exhibition involves a series of iterative project study models that showcase Morphosis’ essential design process and its expression across urban, architectural, interior, and object scales. Expanding upon the study models, the third portion of the exhibit features the results of this design process, with photographs of details of major completed projects by Morphosis, such as the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Kolon One & Only Tower, and the Sejong M Bridge.

The final part of the exhibition features digital projections that elaborate on the technological advancements and construction methods used by Morphosis for the 20 architectural projects featured, as well as imparting more details of Mayne’s artworks and process.

The presentation will be accompanied by a publication, which will go into further depth on the design process and material production.

项目信息Project Info


Seongsu-Dong Gallery 55








LOCATION: Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea

CLIENT: Seongsuroo

SIZE: 1,076 ft² / 100 m²

TYPES: Commercial, Cultural, Installations

PROGRAM: Micro gallery, bar, office, roof terrace

DESIGN: 2022


项目团队Project Credits

设计团队Morphosis Team









关于墨菲西斯About Morphosis

墨菲西斯建筑事务所(Morphosis Architects)是一所国际化的建筑设计事务所,致力于创造设计创新、执行务实、建筑语汇强劲有力的标志性建筑。在过去50多年的时间里,墨菲西斯在城市、建筑、设计三方交互的实践中,完成了不同类型和尺度的项目,包括住宅、商业、公共建筑、文化机构、教育设施、大型城市综合体和城市规划项目。秉持着合同协作的建筑实践理念,合伙人埃尼·艾默生(Arne Emerson)、李昂洙(Ung-Joo Scott Lee)、布兰登·威灵(Brandon Welling)、李宜声(Eui-Sung Yi),与创始人兼普利兹克奖得主汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)合作,领导超过80位在洛杉矶、纽约、上海、首尔和迪拜工作的专业设计团队。墨菲西斯的设计根植于精益求精的项目研究,以及千锤百炼的实验性创造,优先考虑项目在自然环境、人文社会和经济领域所能带来的影响,并以此为依据推动设计过程。同时,通过墨菲西斯麾下的研究机构当代规划研究院(Now Institute),事务所与各高校学术领域紧密联系,在城市流动性、城市复兴、可持续发展、公共策略和社区扩展等当下亟需解决的社会议题上,提供独特的见解和设计策略。

Morphosis is a global architecture and planning firm, creating compelling work that is intelligent, pragmatic, and powerful. For more than 50 years, Morphosis has practiced at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and design, working across a broad range of project types and scales, including civic, academic, cultural, commercial, retail, residential, and mixed-use; urban master plans; and original publications, objects, and art. Committed to the practice of architecture as a collaborative enterprise, Partners Arne Emerson, Ung-Joo Scott Lee, Brandon Welling, and Eui-Sung Yi lead a team of more than 80 in Los Angeles, New York, Dubai, Seoul, and Shanghai, in collaboration with founder and Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne. At the root of all Morphosis projects is a focus on rigorous research and innovation, prioritizing performance-driven design that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Through its research arm, The Now Institute, the firm collaborates with academic institutions to create design-based solutions for the pressing issues of the day, from mobility, urban revitalization, and sustainability to public policy, planning, and community outreach.


墨菲西斯空间新作: 韩国首尔圣水洞 55 画廊 暨设计展“胶囊一号”开幕
汤姆·梅恩与墨菲西斯建筑事务所新著发布: 《M3:模型构建作品[档案库]1972-2022》
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网址: 墨菲西斯空间新作: 韩国首尔圣水洞 55 画廊 暨设计展“胶囊一号”开幕 http://m.jjzxw.cn/newsview167918.html
