《伊夫·克莱因—超越时空》(Yves Klein - Painter of Space)中国首次大型个人回顾展由嘉德艺术中心和Yves Klein Archives 联合策划,将于7月6日正式在嘉德艺术中心对公众开放, 该展览也是法国驻华大使馆举办的第17届“中法文化之春”的系列展览之一。
此次回顾展将呈现伊夫·克莱因 60多件代表作以及大量的文献资料,其中包括了绘画、雕塑、装置、摄影和电影等多种类型的艺术作品。
伊夫·克莱因,1928年出生于法国尼斯,他的第一份工作是一名柔道运动员。直到1954年回到巴黎,他才将自己完全投入到艺术中,开始了他的 "单色冒险"。他将色彩从线条的牢笼中解放出来,对他来说,单色是唯一可以使"绝对的东西可见 "的绘画形式。
通过选择表达感觉而不是具象的形式,伊夫-克莱因超越了艺术表现的概念,将艺术作品视为艺术家和世界之间沟通的痕迹;不可见的真相变得可见。他说,他的作品是 "他的艺术的灰烬",是眼睛看不到的东西的痕迹。
这位艺术家用蓝色作为他追求捕捉非物质性和无限性的载体。他著名的比蓝色更蓝的色调,很快就被命名为 "IKB"(国际克莱因蓝),放射出五彩缤纷的波浪,不仅吸引了观众的眼睛,更加促使观众用灵魂去欣赏,用想象力去阅读。
从单色到虚空,再到他的 "活画笔技术 "或 “人体测量学";通过其对自然元素的调动,以体现其创造性的生命力;以及他将黄金作为通往绝对的纽带;伊夫·克莱因发展了一种开创性的实践,打破了观念艺术、雕塑、绘画和表演之间的界限
嘉德艺术中心坐落于北京王府井大街一号,与故宫为邻,位于北京最著名的王府井商业街和新文化运动发源地五四大街的交界处,于2017年10月正式启幕。在这座56000平方米的建筑里,汇集了艺术展览、拍卖、艺术教育、出版、艺术品保管库、酒店等等艺术产业的各个链条,是亚洲首家“一站式”的艺术品交流平台,并由此连接了博物馆、企业机构、收藏家、艺术家、艺术爱好者等多种社会层面, 进一步建立起了自己的艺术生态系统。
李龙雨(Yongwoo Lee)是同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授。他是“上海种子”(Shanghai Project) 的创始人及艺术总监。他是光州双年展创始艺术总监,也曾是光州双年展基金会主席。他曾任上海喜玛拉雅美术馆执行馆长及国际双年展协会主席。他曾是上海大学、韩国高丽大学等的教授、东京艺术大学等的特聘教授。
在法中文化年(2003-2005)举办20周年之际,继承其衣钵的中法文化之春 已凭借创新的艺术理念树立起鲜明的品牌特色,在彰显法国创作多样性的同时推动法中两国在视觉艺术、表演艺术、音乐、电影、图书与思辨等各领域的合作。创立17年,中法文化之春得益于观众的认可和众多文化合作伙伴的鼎力支持,始终不懈地在两国文化对话的疆域里深耕,将跨文化对话推向国际舞台。
展览名称:《伊夫·克莱因——超越时空(Yves Klein - Painter of Space)》
协办:Yves Klein Archives
展览策划:嘉德艺术中心、 Yves Klein Archives
展览顾问: 李龙雨
合作伙伴 :颂艺术中心 璞瑄酒店
Yves Klein - Painter of Space
« Yves Klein - Painter of Space », the first retrospective in China of the French artist Yves Klein organized with the Yves Kein Archives (Paris), will open to the public on July 6th at the Guardian Art Center, as part of the 17th edition of the Croisements festival organized by the French Embassy.
"Yves Klein - Painter of Space" is the first retrospective in China on the French pioneering artist of action art and the immaterial practices of contemporary art. The exhibition presents a collection of more than 60 works and a large selection of documents - drawings, photographs and films - taking into account all the techniques that the artist developed during his short but intense career between 1954 and 1962.
It examines three of the main issues present in Yves Klein’s work: monochromatism, the material nature of the flesh, and the immaterial character of art, for Yves Klein's work rests on a dynamic balance between two poles: the visible and the invisible, matter and emptiness, flesh and the immaterial.
"Yves Klein - Painter of Space" is divided into nine sections and presents the entire trajectory of the artist: the first monochrome paintings in color, the famous blue Monochromes, the reliefs and Sponges sculptures, the Anthropometries, the Monogolds and his last experiments with natural elements such as fire, air and water. Constructed in just seven years before his sudden death, Klein's bold work, which anticipates many later trends and remains fully relevant today.
About Yves Klein
Yves Klein, born in 1928 in Nice, had as a first vocation to be a judoka. It was only back in Paris, in 1954, that he dedicated himself fully to art, setting out on his ‘adventure into monochrome’.
Animated by a quest to ‘liberate color from the prison that is the line’, Yves Klein directed his attention to the monochrome which, to him, was the only form of painting that allowed to ‘make visible the absolute’.
By choosing to express feeling rather than figurative form, Yves Klein moved beyond ideas of artistic representation, conceiving the work of art instead as a trace of communication between the artist and the world; invisible truth made visible. His works, he said, were to be ‘the ashes of his art’, traces of that which the eye could not see.
Yves Klein’s practice revealed of new way of conceptualizing the role of the artist, conceiving his whole life as an artwork. ‘Art is everywhere that the artist goes’, he once declared. According to him, beauty existed everywhere, but in a state of invisibility. His task was to capture beauty wherever it might be found, in matter as in air.
The artist used blue as the vehicle for his quest to capture immateriality and the infinite. His celebrated bluer-than-blue hue, soon to be named ‘IKB’ (International Klein Blue), radiates colorful waves, engaging not only the eyes of the viewer, but in fact allowing us see with our souls, to read with our imaginations.
From monochromes, to the void, to his ‘technique of living brushes’ or ‘Anthropometry’; by way of his deployment of nature’s elements in order to manifest their creative life-force; and his use of gold as a portal to the absolute; Yves Klein developed a ground-breaking practice that broke down boundaries between conceptual art, sculpture, painting, and performance.
Just before dying, Yves Klein told a friend, "I am going to go into the biggest studio in the world, and I will only do immaterial works."
Between May 1954 and June 6, 1962, the date of his death, Yves Klein burned his life to make a flamboyant work that marked his era and still shines today.
About Guardian Art Center
Located close to the Forbidden City, on Wangfujing, Beijing's most famous shopping avenue, the Guardian Art Center opened its doors in 2017. Created by auction house China Guardian and designed by German architect Ole Scheeren, the Guardian Art Center gives pride of place to Chinese art, both classical and contemporary, with numerous collaborations with the Palace Museum, and to international artists and architects (Raphaël, Alphonse Mucha, Yves Klein, Kengo Kuma, Zaha Hadid).
About Archives Yves Klein
Passed away prematurely in 1962 at the age of 34, Yves Klein left behind him a major work and archives rich of documents, writings, photographs, films, audio recordings, books and notebooks.
These archives are documented and maintained by Rotraut Klein Moquay, Yves Klein’s widow, who pursues his work to this day.
The missions of the Archives are to contribute to a better knowledge of Yves Klein's work, work towards the realization of a new catalog raisonné, be accessible for scientific and artistic research and organize and participate in various cultural projects around the world.
About Yongwoo Lee
Yongwoo Lee is a professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University (Shanghai). He is the founder and former artistic director of the Gwangju Biennial and the Shanghai Project. He was also Director of the Shanghai Himalayas Museum and President of the International Biennial Association. He has taught as a professor at Shanghai University and Korea University, and as a Distinguished Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts.
About Croisements festival
20 years after the beginning of the Années croisées France-Chine (2003-2005), from which it stems, the Croisements festival has built a strong identity through innovative artistic choices, revealing the diversity of French creation and stimulating Franco-Chinese cooperation in various disciplines (visual arts, performing arts, music, cinema, books...). Thanks to the recognition it has gained among the public and cultural partners over the past 17 years, the festival brings the intercultural dialogue to life in China and on the international stage, as part of ambitious collaborations.
Yves Klein - Painter of Space
Organizer : Guardian Art Center
Co-organizer : Archives Yves Klein
Exhibition presented as part of the 17th edition of the festival Croisements organized by the French Embassy in China
Curator : Archives Yves Klein
Curatorial advisor : Yongwoo Lee
Fashion&Art advisor: Mang Su
Art Ambassador :Siyan Huo、Jiang Du
Exhibition partner : Doors 门艺
Time : 2023.7.6-10.3
Venue:B1 Floor, Guardian Art Center, Wangfujing Dajie n°1, Dongcheng district, Beijing
Technical Partner:UPTC Co., Ltd. ,BOE.
Partner:The Puxuan Hotel&Spa
Chief Artistic Collaborative Media: ARTnews China
Exclusive Content Collaboration Platform: Xiaohongshu
Special Collaborative Media:Wallpaper
Ticket and early-bird information:
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