尚美而行 设计共生 ——“徽风皖韵,高定之旅”浙江杭州站设计师研学之旅圆满结束


  Recently, the "Huifeng Wanyun, Haute Couture Journey" event was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, at the headquarters of SUNBUY located in Hefei, Anhui, and Hongcun. Under the planning and arrangement of the SUNBUY headquarters, designers from Hangzhou experienced a vivid and enriching study tour in Hefei and Hongcun.


  On the morning of April 24th, designers from Hangzhou boarded the train to Hefei. Upon arrival, the first stop of their study tour was to visit the SUNBUY 3000 square meter Hefei flagship store. Led by a guide, the designers entered the showroom, where they observed the extensive use of architectural techniques in the space, such as the sunken courtyard at the entrance and the Scarpa-style stepped design on the first floor. The meticulous design efforts were evident, not only in the spatial creation but also in the product implementation, showcasing the high restorative capability of Shangbai products. The presence of an 8-meter-tall bookcase wall and extra-high wall panels in the flagship store allowed designers to boldly incorporate these elements into their designs. After visiting the flagship store, the designers spoke highly of Shangbai's products and felt more confident in their choice of brand.


  In the afternoon, the second stop of the study tour took place at the SUNBUY Xiatang factory area. Guided by the instructor, the designers entered the production workshop, where they learned about the development history and product system of SUNBUY. They also saw the raw materials and production equipment used for the products. Having seen the production process in the workshop, with its advanced equipment and stringent management, the designers gained a deeper understanding of Shangbai's products, feeling more assured about integrating them into their future designs.


  After visiting the Xiatang factory area, the designers boarded a bus to start their third stop of the study tour in Hongcun.


  On the morning of April 25th, a new day of the study tour began. With whitewashed walls and black tiles neatly arranged, looking up, the eaves and a wisp of cloud sketched a picture of ink wash painting against the sky. The designers wandered through the alleys of Hongcun, experiencing the beauty of Hui-style architecture. Amidst the misty rain, Hongcun exuded poetic charm. As the saying goes, "Rippling streams like belts, every household has clear springs," the layout of Hongcun is based on the landscape, with water connecting each household. Clear springs flow past the courtyard gates, blending sky and water, with the orderly reflections of the surrounding homes in the water creating an intoxicating beauty. Design stems from life and nature, and studying in Hongcun aims to let designers experience Hui culture, integrate it into their designs, and promote it nationwide.


  "The ultimate obsession in life, never dreaming of Huizhou," this study tour concluded successfully in the ink-washed Hongcun. SUNBUY will continue to provide opportunities for learning and exchange for designers nationwide. Adhering to the philosophy of mutual progress and development, SUNBUY encourages the harmonious integration of design with culture and nature, pursuing beauty in action and coexistence in design!


尚美而行 设计共生 ——尚佰高定禹州&永城设计师设计研学之旅圆满结束
居“筑”在艺术间 ——美克家居A.R.T.2020设计师中国之旅杭州站启幕
居“筑”在艺术间 ——美克家居A.R.T.2020设计师中国之旅成都站启幕
“都市生活家 设计艺术+” 美克家居A.R.T.品牌设计师中国之旅登陆蓉城
设计无痕 环境共生,李楠亮相美克家居A.R.T.设计师中国之旅苏州站

网址: 尚美而行 设计共生 ——“徽风皖韵,高定之旅”浙江杭州站设计师研学之旅圆满结束 http://m.jjzxw.cn/newsview191588.html
