GREEN SOUL 2024|New advertising campaign

2024年,Porada再度发力,隆重推出了"Green Soul"视觉活动的续章,为2022年首次展现的品牌核心理念注入了新的活力与回应。

2024 sees the launch of the second chapter of Porada’s Green Soul visual campaign, creating a new reflection on the theme that first captured the brand’s essence in 2022.

这项活动的核心理念聚焦于凸显自然在公司决策和品牌精神中的首要地位,体现在使用珍贵的原材料(优先木材)和负责任的选择上——例如使用经 FSC 认证的森林供应美国胡桃木、自2011年起在法国购买森林,严格管理水曲柳供应链等等。

The starting point of the campaign is nature’s primary importance in the company’s choices and ethos. It translates into the use of noble raw materials (first and foremost, wood) and responsible choices such as using the FSCcertified forests for the supply of American walnut or the purchase of forests in France starting from 2011 to responsibly manage the the ash supply chain.

随着 "Green Soul"活动的不断演变,自然在镜头中所扮演的角色也发生了变化。如果说在最初的 "Green Soul"活动中,自然是与产品一起成为工业场景的主角,那么在新的镜头中,自然则进入了家庭场景,与居民共处在住宅环境中。

What has changed, in the evolution of the Green Soul campaign, is the role that nature takes on within the shots. If in the original Green Soul campaign, nature was - together with the products - the protagonist of an industrial scene, in the new shots, nature enters homes, coexisting in residential environments with their inhabitants.

以拍摄室内图著称的国际知名法国摄影师Stephan Julliard 表示,"在历史悠久的建筑中拍摄Porada的新广告给我带来了艺术与历史融为一体的独特体验;我们面临的挑战是如何捕捉 Porada作品的精致和功能性,寻找最佳角度、最佳镜头,并营造有利于突出其造型和美感的光线效果",Julliard 总结道,"除了技术方面,他们对木材的热情、含蓄素雅的色调、优雅的面料,以及他们创造实用与美观兼具的家具的愿望,也是理解 Porada的核心所在之一"。

Stephan Julliard, an internationally renowned French photographer specialising in interior images, shot the campaign. “Photographing Porada’s new campaign in a historic building was a unique experience bringing together art and history; the challenge was to capture the finesse and functionality of Porada’s creations, seeking the best angle, the best lens and constructing a play of light conducive to highlighting their forms and aesthetic,” says Julliard, who concludes, “Beyond the technical aspects, it was also a question of apprehending the soul of Porada — their passion for wood, a palette of subtle, sober colors, elegant fabrics, and their desire to create furniture that is at once practical and beautiful”.

Green Soul 2024的概念与Porada的品牌价值观相呼应,突出了产品的设计及其精髓。正如该公司的经典基因一样,这些镜头展现了产品和系列的多样性(尤其是最新的产品,特别是 Twenty-Two 和 Twenty Three),突出了它们的多功能性和优雅性。

The concept of Green Soul 2024 echoes the world of Porada’s values, highlighting both the products’s design and their essence. As is typical of the company’s DNA, the shots present a heterogeneity of products and collections (especially the most recent ones, notably Twenty-Two and Twenty Three) highlighting their versatility and elegance.

Porada 的风格经理 Ofelia Fornaciari 补充说:"The Green Soul 2024活动代表了自然与家居环境之间关系的演变。通过原始的邂逅去讲述产品故事。"

“The Green Soul 2024 campaign represents an evolution of the relationship between nature and the domestic environment,” adds Ofelia Fornaciari, Porada’s style manager. “This is how the story of the products is told - through that primordial encounter”.


Seven advertising shots (three doubles and four singles) will be presented in international magazines from April 2024.


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