2020R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+Asia亚洲家居装饰展延期

  1月27日,R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+ Asia 亚洲家居装饰展览会主办方上海万耀企龙展览有限公司官微发布通知,为贯彻落实党中央和国务院、省市政府的决策部署,全力做好疫情防控工作,切实保障广大展商和观众的身体健康与生命安全,原定于2020年2月24-26日举办的R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+ Asia 亚洲家居装饰展览会将延期举办



  根据新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情控制需要,上海已启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应机制,取消各类大型公共活动。为了切实保障广大展商和观众的身体健康与生命安全,R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+ Asia 亚洲家居装饰展览会主办方上海万耀企龙展览有限公司做出了一个非常艰难的决定:原定于2020年2月24-26日举办的R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+ Asia 亚洲家居装饰展览会将延期举办,我们将密切关注疫情的发展,与相关部门保持沟通协商,妥善安排新的展期,延期后的具体调整方案将于春节后另行通知。

  过去16年,R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展的茁壮发展离不开各位展商与观众的支持,但在抗争疫情的关键时刻,我们更关心大家的生命安全,给您带来的不便,敬请理解。




  R+T Asia 亚洲门窗遮阳展

  HD+ Asia 亚洲家居装饰展览会主办方



  Notice of postponement:

  R+T Asia 2020, 24th - 26th of February 2020

  Dear exhibitors and visitors,

  We were instructed by Chinese authorities that due to the recentoutbreak of the coronavirus pneumonia infection in several Chinese provincesand in order to protect the health and safety of our exhibitors and visitors,R+T Asia 2020, scheduled for 24th-26th of February, needs to be postponed! Weare currently in close exchange with responsible authorities in order to assessthe further development of the situation and we keep you updated.

  We are discussing an alternative date for R+T Asia 2020 at the momentand will announce the precise date after Chinese New Year holidays.

  Thank you for your support and kind understanding!

  Your R+T Asia Team


2020R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+Asia亚洲家居装饰展延期
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网址: 2020R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展/HD+Asia亚洲家居装饰展延期 http://m.jjzxw.cn/newsview39310.html
