——Patricia Urquiola
Nowhere expresses better the spirit of a design project than the bathroom, unique in its need for functionality combined with the emotions it arouses.
Spoon M浴缸
Different bathrooms, ranging from traditional to the most modern, from restful to unconventional and striking, each of these rooms bears the unmistakable mark of the Agape ethos for beauty and design.
01 Private house – Stockholm
Design by Planoform Stockholm
这个143平方米,由瑞典著名建筑师Albin和Erik Starck于1914年设计的位于斯德哥尔摩的公寓,已经由新业主翻修过,可以容纳一个四口之家。
This 143 sq. m apartment in Stockholm, designed in 1914 by the famous Swedish architects Albin and Erik Starck, has been restored by the new owners themselves and can accommodate a family of four.
Bjhon 1台上盆搭配Flat XL台面和带有滑动门的027镜柜,为绿色空间增添了一抹纯白清新的点缀,Cristalplant? biobased新型材质的高级肌理实现空间的自由呼吸。
Bjhon 1 Washbasins with Flat XL countertop and 027 mirror cabinet with sliding doors add a touch of pure white to the green space.Cristalplant? biobased are used to make the space breathe freely.
The Ottocento bathtub is paired with the FEZ taps, incorporating classic elegance into every detail. The practical towel and object holder Multifunzione and Fusilli mirro makes perfect use of the irregular corner of the bathroom and narrates the owner's search for free from vulgarity.
02 Private house – Udine
Design by Patricia Urquiola
这间房子是Patricia Urquiola为她的朋友设计的,前身是Udine(意大利乌迪内)的一个工业棚屋。微风与屋顶缝隙中斑驳的光线交替,春意青葱,居住者从中获得了身体和精神的重生。
The house was designed by Patricia Urquiola for her friends in a former industrial shed in Udine. Alternating between the breezes and the dappled light from roof apertures, the spring is lush and the occupants are reborn both physically and spiritually.
橡木制的Flat XL台面与Raso洗脸盆相映衬,以深色瓷砖为背景,把握住了私密空间最恰当的平衡。干净有力的线条与阳光一起共塑生活的基调。
Flat XL in oak with integrated Raso washbasin is set off against dark tiles to achieve the right balance of privacy. Clean and powerful lines and sunshine together to shape the basic tone of life.
03 Private house – Parigi
Design by B' Bath / J. Sellgren Décoration
办公楼的顶层变成了一个宽敞的阁楼,俯瞰着巴黎的屋顶。该项目由业主兼设计师Johanna Sellgren进行总体规划,从而对空间进行了实质性的重新定义。
The top floor of an office building becomes a spacious loft dominating the rooftops of Paris. The project, master-planned by owner and designer Johanna Sellgren, resulted in a substantial redefinition of the spaces.
浴室的全景被抬高在Carrara大理石覆盖的高台上,仿佛一个舞台。由Benedini Associati设计的勺子浴缸是整个空间的中心。Fez水龙头、Bjhon 2台盆和带滑动窗帘的Cooper不锈钢栏杆,让你可以小心地沉浸在自己的日常幸福绿洲。
The bathroom in full view is elevated on a sort of Carrara marble-clad dais, giving it a stage-like quality. The centre of this island is inhabited by the Spoon bathtub, designed by Benedini Associati. Fez taps, Bjhon 2 washbasins and Cooper,he stainless steel rail with sliding curtain that allows you to indulge discreetly in your own daily oasis of well-being.
第二间浴室中,Patricia Urquiola设计的Vieques浴缸以有趣的几何瓷砖为背景。层次丰富的色调带来情绪满分的张力,疏密有致的肌理谱写出充满韵律的现代气质。
In the second bathroom,against a backdrop of entertainingly geometric tiles is the Vieques bathtub by Patricia Urquiola. The rich tone brings full emotional tension, and the dense texture composes a modern temperament full of rhythm.
如果您心动的话,欢迎预约参观兆霖家居旗舰展厅(地址:上海市静安区万荣路700号A3幢,电话:021 62882278),亲身感受Agape的设计美学。
如需查看更多信息,请添加兆霖家居公众号: Megahome_China。
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